What is the difference between hemp CBD and cannabis CBD? The difference between hemp vs marijuana is a subject that is all too often inaccurately explained. Let’s clear it up together!
As interest in cannabidiol (CBD) continues to grow, so does the availability of different products. A factor that often confuses people is whether the CBD in the products comes from hemp or cannabis. It’s a common misconception that hemp and marijuana are two different species of plant. The short answer is that they derive from different varieties of the Cannabis Sativa plant. They’re just two different names for cannabis, a type of flowering plant in the Cannabaceae family.
What is CBD?
CBD or cannabidiol is a non-intoxicating, non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis and hemp plant. It is the most prevalent compound found in the hemp plant and second in the cannabis plant.
Why the Hemp Plant vs the Cannabis Plant
The hemp plant is richer in CBD percentages and can test upwards of 15% CBD, while maintaining a THC level of less than .3%. The hemp plant is considered hemp when it tests and contains less than .3% THC.
Is it Legal?
The hemp plant is legal on the federal level. Hemp is also rich in amino acids and omega fatty acids. The fibers of hemp can also be used in many commercial and industrial products like paper, building materials, compost and clothes. The whole hemp plant is used throughout the process.
The cannabis plant is rich in THC, and can test in upwards of 30% THC, while containing much less CBD than its hemp counterpart, usually in the 1-5% range and is federally illegal to grow and possess.
Isolate CBD is the purest form of CBD available, testing around 99.99% CBD and can be found in both crystalline and powdered crystal form. Isolate contains only one cannabinoid, CBD. Isolate is made through a 3-step extraction process in order to get the CBD isolated to its purest form.
Full Spectrum Oil is an oil rich in CBD but also contains low levels of other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBN, CBC and THC. Full Spectrum Oil usually tests at around 75%-90% CBD and must test at less than .3% THC. Full Spectrum Oil is extracted by a 2-step process.
Wait, what the heck is a Cannabinoid?
A Cannabinoid is a diverse classification of the many active chemical compounds found in the Hemp and Cannabis Plants. These compounds can be nonphysocactive (CBD) and Psychoactive (THC). The Hemp and Cannabis Plants can contain over 100 different cannabinoid compounds. These “cannabinoids” are more popularly known as CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, and THC, just to name a few.
Will I Pass a Drug Test?
There is always a risk of failing a drug test, and if you are concerned with this we recommend using our isolate products. Our Isolate CBD products contain 0% THC. The CBD isolate we use here at lost range.® is tested at 99.99% CBD. Our Full Spectrum CBD products contain less than .3% THC and contains other cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG and CBC.
What is Hemp Used for Medically?
CBD derived from hemp has a variety of uses. The most official is the FDA-approved drug to treat childhood epilepsy. Furthermore, scientists around the world are looking at CBD to treat or ease symptoms of:
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Cancer
- Inflammation
- Pain, including chronic and neuropathic
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Depression
- Sleep disorders
- Bipolar Disorder
- Social Anxiety Disorder
Where does lost range.®’s Hemp and CBD come from?
Our Hemp CBD products are derived right here in Colorado. The hemp is grown under the Colorado sun by local farmers who ensure a pure product. The hemp is also extracted here in Colorado and those extracts are then used in our small batch, handmade hemp CBD products. Our products are a true full circle product supporting an array of local Colorado grown small businesses.
Last Thoughts?
Thanks to the hard work of scientists, doctors, farmers, business owners, and citizens, our knowledge of and access to cannabis-based products is steadily increasing.
Thank you for reading our blog Hemp vs Marijuana! Our team of CBD specialists is always here to answer your questions – so reach out to us here today. We all really appreciate your support!