The Buzz-Worthy Benefits of lost range.® CBD Skin Salve

The Buzz-Worthy Benefits of lost range.® CBD Skin Salve

As we near the end of a sweltering summer, the humidity brings mosquitos and bug bites that can come with a persistent itch, large welts, and puffy, red skin. But STOP! Don't scratch the itch! See how our CBD Skin Salve can soothe the sting, naturally.

Get ready to dive into a world where plant power meets skin care. Today, we’re talking about a product creating a buzz (pun totally intended) among our customers. We’re zzzzzzooming in on the trailblazing lost range.® CBD Skin Salve!

Swat Away Synthetics

In a world where our skin wages war with invisible enemies like pollution, stress, and, yes, those pesky bug bites, we're here to offer a nature-loving knight in shining armor - our CBD Skin Salve. It’s all-natural, it's potent, and it's ready to soothe your bug-bite blues away. Here’s what you should know.

Why the Itch to Begin With?

A mosquito bite is naturally itchy as the saliva of the insects contains anticoagulants and proteins, and when they enter the human bloodstream, it triggers the body’s immune system. To counter this imminent threat, the body’s immune system releases histamines, and it is this action which causes itching, redness and swelling. 

"It's just a bug bite, it will go away…"

We've all said it before, right? Even the bravest amongst us can admit the discomfort from bug bites can quickly derail our day. Peak mosquito season runs from late spring through summer and even into early fall in many parts of the world, turning our idyllic outdoor adventures into buzzing battlegrounds. 

It's-a me, Malario!

These tiny insects are not just annoying; they can also be carriers of diseases like Zika, Dengue, and West Nile virus, transforming their bites from a simple nuisance into a potential health risk. Simple steps like wearing long sleeves, using insect repellents, and eliminating standing water around your home can help keep these winged menaces at bay.

However, we all know that despite our best efforts, some of these persistent pests manage to land their itchy mark. That's where our CBD Skin Salve becomes your skin's best friend. While it can't prevent the bite, it's meticulously crafted to soothe the discomfort of the aftermath.

Look for Anti-inflammatory Ingredients

Don't just wing it when it comes to soothing your skin. 

Because of their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits, some essential oils and herbal ingredients work well against bug bite discomforts. Natural ingredients you should look for include: 

- CBD (Well... duh): CBD cannabinoids have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and are therefore effective in reducing, or stopping, the itching which occurs after a mosquito bite.

- Vitamin E: Vitamin E has been considered an anti-inflammatory agent in the skin. Topical vitamin E can reduce UV-induced skin swelling, skin thickness, erythema, and edema — all signs of skin inflammation.

- Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Topical application may help relieve dryness, flaking, itching, and related symptoms. 

- Arnica: Clinical trials showed Arnica presents comparable activity to standard medications, such as ibuprofen and diclofenac, for pain management under different medical conditions. 

- Calendula: Calendula officinalis is an annual herb from Mediterranean origin which is popularly used in wound healing and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

- Comfrey: Comfrey roots and leaves contain allantoin, a substance that helps new skin cells grow, along with other substances that reduce inflammation and keep skin healthy.

- Shea Butter: Shea butter contains anti-inflammatory substances, which ease swelling and redness in skin. 

    - Honey: Looking for a DIY skin-soother? Even honey is an ideal spot treatment for a bug bite—it prevents you from itching, and the anti-inflammatory and humectant properties of honey keep the area from feeling dry and uncomfortable without letting outside moisture in and preventing infections in the process.

    lost range.® CBD Skin Salve to the Rescue!

    Our lost range.® Skin Salve isn't merely a skin soother; it's also a fantastic addition to your everyday skincare routine, thanks to the potent magic of CBD.

    It's not just the high-quality, 100% THC-free CBD we use; it's also our proprietary herbal-infused grapeseed oil. We lovingly handcraft this in small batches, blending a mix of vitamins A, C, D, E, and omega- 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids with six all-natural herbs. 

    No More Neosporin? 

    I see your raised eyebrows, and we raise your reasons why our customers are jumping ship from Neosporin to lost range.® Skin Salve.

    • A Natural Change: Our CBD Skin Salve is a nature-sourced solution, free from synthetic scents and irritants. It's loaded with full-spectrum CBD and helpful botanicals, providing much-needed soothing from bug bites.
    • No Waiting Game: Our customers report immediate relief upon applying the Skin Salve. No more pretending to be okay while you are secretly scratching that itch!
    • Added Hydration: Besides combatting the discomfort of bug bites, our Skin Salve also helps hydrate dry and tight skin from the outdoors. 
    • Loved by Customers: Our customers have spoken and are in love! Here are a few reviews customers had about our CBD Skin Salve:
    • Skin Soothing Solution” -Marvin J.
    • Multipurpose Marvel” -Margaret H.
    • Herbal Infusion for Healthy Skin” -Cindy J.
    • Natural Healing Power” -Carolyn W.

    Try Our CBD Skin Salve Yourself

    Ready to bid adieu to those pesky bug bites? Why not try our CBD Skin Salve yourself?

    Just apply a thin layer over the affected area, and let the all-natural blend of full-spectrum CBD, beneficial botanicals, and proprietary herbal-infused grapeseed oil work its magic. 

    Adventure seekers, sun worshippers, and outdoor lovers; your skin will thank you for the much-needed relief. Join the club and wave goodbye to discomfort. 

    Contact us today, as our staff is always at your service for any questions.

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    lost range® assumes no responsibility for the improper use of these products. We recommend consulting with a qualified medical doctor or physician when preparing a treatment plan for any and all diseases or ailments. lost range® does not make any health claims about our products and recommends consulting with a qualified medical doctor or physician prior to consuming our products or preparing a treatment plan. It is especially important for those who are pregnant, nursing, chronically ill, elderly or under the age of 18 to discuss the use of these products with a physician prior to consuming.  You must be 18 years or older to visit this website and/or purchase lost range® products. The information on our website is intended to provide general information regarding our products and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction.
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